Debt Management

Debts and Cash Flow: Why Your Paycheck Might Be Fooling You

Imagine landing that dream job with a hefty salary, but somehow, you're still living paycheck to paycheck. Sound familiar? You're not alone. Many Australians are caught in a financial illusion, mistaking a high income for true wealth. Let's pull back the curtain on this money mirage and explore why your bank balance might not be telling the whole story.

Talk About Perfect Timing!

Sometimes life’s timing is perfect. We have written before about the best way to use an inheritance. Last Sunday, we came across an almost ideal scenario for when a young couple could receive an inheritance. Here are some of the best ways this couple could respond. It’s food for thought for any younger person.

When Mum and Dad are Bankers As Well

Recent estimates claim that the ‘Bank of Mum and Dad’ is Australia’s ninth largest lender. Given the state of house prices, this comes as no surprise. Most parents want to help their kids, especially with something as important as buying a home. But it is important that things be done correctly. There is such a thing as ‘the wrong way to help’ when it comes to one generation trying to help another.

All debt is paid off ‘After-Tax’

If you have a debt, you are probably making repayments. Each repayment you make is probably divided into two parts: interest and principal. Indeed, technically, you are only actually making a repayment if your regular payment includes an amount that reduces the principal of your debt.

Managing Debt Better – Good Debts versus Bad Debts

Interest rates are in the news and they will stay there for a while yet. So, now is a great time to think about how you are managing your debt. Over the next few weeks, we want to provide some fundamental advice that will help you or someone you love best manage their debts.

General Advice Warning

All strategies and information provided on this website are general advice only which does not take into consideration any of your personal circumstances. Please arrange an appointment to seek personal financial, legal, credit and/or taxation advice prior to acting on this information.

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Contact Jane Clark to schedule an appointment.

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